Single Parents is an American sitcom television series that premiered on September 26, 2018 on ABC. It stars Taran Killam, Leighton Meester, Kimrie Lewis, Jake Choi, Marlow Barkley, Tyler Wladis, Devin Trey Campbell, Mia Allan, Ella Allan, Brad Garrett, and follows a group of adults who must venture through single parenthood with their young kids.
Video Single Parents (TV series)
The series begins when the group meets Will, a 30-something guy who's been so focused on raising his daughter that he's lost sight of who he is as a man. When the other single parents see just how far down the rabbit hole of PTA, parenting and princesses Will has gone, they band together to get him out in the dating world and make him realize that being a great parent doesn't mean sacrificing everything about your own identity.
Maps Single Parents (TV series)
- Taran Killam as Will Cooper
- Leighton Meester as Angie D'Amato
- Brad Garrett as Douglas Fogerty
- Kimrie Lewis as Poppy Banks
- Jake Choi as Miggy Park
- Marlow Barkley as Sophie Cooper
- Tyler Wladis as Graham D'Amato
- Devin Trey Campbell as Rory Banks
- Mia Allan as Emma Fogerty
- Ella Allan as Amy Fogerty
Critical response
On review aggregation Rotten Tomatoes, the series holds an approval rating of 83% with an average rating of 6.75/10, based on 12 reviews. The site's critic consensus states: "While the jokes can be a little juvenile, Single Parents earns brownie points for a likable cast and a funny focus on parental struggles." Metacritic, which uses a weighted average, assigned the series a score of 67 out of 100 based on 10 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews."
External links
- Single Parents on IMDb
Source of article : Wikipedia